JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 25 Discussion

Trish understands that if she moves towards Giorno's brooch on the ground, Notorious B.I.G will attack her. She contemplates running to the closet and hiding, but Trish notices the fact that the chairs on the plane all have a button to automatically recline them. She click it and Notorious B.I.G attacks the chair. Trish realizes that she must move slower than the speed at which the reclining chair is moving, else the enemy stand will strike. She slowly makes her way towards the brooch while reclining more chairs along the way. Suddenly, Notorious B.I.G attacks her boot. There is dripping liquid falling from her boot from a broken bottle, which is what attracted Notorious B.I.G's attention. Trish's boot slips right off of her foot, almost like her boot split in two to allow her foot out. Trish hears a voice, which turns out to be her new stand Spice Girl (subbed to Spicy Lady). Spice Girl tells Trish that she was the one that slipped her boot off; she also instructs Trish to retrieve the brooch so Giorno can heal himself and their injured friends. Trish sprints towards the brooch to grab it and stumbles to the back of a chair. Spice Girl activates her stand ability, which is to "soften" objects, to soften the chair and allow Trish right through it and when Notorious B.I.G attacks the chair, it bounces right off of it and slams into a wall, injuring itself in the process. Trish's stand tells her to not move but Trish decides to run towards the closet, shut the door and make the door soft so Notorious B.I.G cannot attack her. Notorious B.I.G attacks even thought his attack is being softened by the door and hits a clock in the closet. Notorious B.I.G gets in the closet and attacks the softened clock, which buys Trish time since the enemy stand cannot destroy the ticking clock. Spice Girl slowly grabs a pole and stabs it repeatedly into Notorious B.I.G, defeating the stand. Trish meets up with Abbacchio and Buccellati in the cockpit and she shows Buccellati the brooch which is growing Girono's hand. Buccellati tells Trish to slowly move towards him. Abbacchio states that the plane they are on is losing altitude. Notorious B.I.G is alive and well and consumed parts of the plane engine. Behind Trish is a giant Notorious B.I.G, becoming huge from eating so much of the plane engine. Buccellati tells Abbacchio to attempt to make an emergency landing in the water near Sardinia. Trish sprints towards the baffled Buccellati, closes the cockpit door and makes it elastic so Notorious B.I.G cannot enter. Buccellati and Abbacchio now have seen Trish's stand power at work. Spice Girl delivers a barrage of punches while screaming "WANNABE" and turns the whole cockpit elastic. The cockpit detaches from the plane and now acts as a parachute while the rest of the plane with Notorious B.I.G inside crashes into the water. Abbacchio states that since the plane crashed in the water, the boss cannot confirm whether they lived or not. Buccellati sees a tiny piece of Notorious B.I.G on Abbacchio's forehead and attempts to punch so it attaches to him, but Abbacchio knows that if he does that, they might lose Buccellati to this vicious stand as well. Trish states that that will not be necessary and only Buccellati's arm is taken off with the remainder of Notorious B.I.G. Notorious B.I.G now attacks the waves around it. The narrator tells us that sometimes, when boats are moving faster than the waves around Notorious B.I.G, it will attack the ships, so the residents of Sardinia no longer sail there. We jump to the boss on his laptop, where he states that they probably lived that plane crash. He brings up a picture of Trish's mom posing next to a monument. He thinks to himself that if Abbacchio's Moody Blues replays that moment, they will know exactly what he looks like since he took the picture. He states that he must go to that location and be sure that they do not replay that moment.

Trish's stand has finally been revealed to be Spice Girl. Visually, this stand resembles parts of her father's stand King Crimson. Both stands are physically fit, humanoid stands. The pattern on the stand's "clothes" are similar with the yellow webbing on it; not only that but the color pallet is similar and their eye color is the same as well. The abilities themselves don't share anything in common. Spice Girl can touch any object and turn it softer or more elastic, making it near impervious to damage. Like we saw in the episode, softened objects can also be slipped through more easily, like what Trish did with the chair on the plane. Since the objects touched by Spice Girl is more rubber-like, things can bounce off of them as well. Like a lot of other stands, when Spice Girl delivers a barrage of punches, she screams an iconic battle cry, hers referencing the band Spice Girl's hit track Wannabe. This is a versatile stand that Trish will learn the applications to more and more as she develops her stand's abilities and powers. With Trish now having a stand, Buccellati's gang is now as strong as when Fugo was on the team. There are still battles ahead that the protagonists have to face before the final clash between team Buccellati and King Crimson, so stay tuned!


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