JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 19 Discussion

Mista, Giorno and Ghiaccio are launched into the canal while still in the car. Giorno's body is freezing fast due to White Album. However, they are close to where the disc is located. Ghiaccio is freezing the water around them, making it difficult to fight or flee. Mista tells Giorno to turn the roof of the car into plants so Giorno created vines, but the only plant life that can live in that cold of a temperature is short grass, which starts growing. Mista is pulling the growing, freezing grass out of the car to create a snowboard to slide on the frozen water, but Ghiaccio undoes his ability, forcing Mista to plunge into the water. Mista gathers up some of the grass and throws it into the air. Giorno turns it back into a large screw from the vehicle and Mista shoots it into the forehead region of Ghiaccio's suit, plunging him into the water, temporarily incapacitated. Mista decided to go in the water after Ghiaccio, thinking that there has to be a way for him to breathe in the suit. He finds out that there is a hole on the back of Ghiaccio's neck of his suit that he can breathe from. Mista tells Sex Pistols that once Ghiaccio goes up to breathe, they are going to aim for the hole in his armor. Mista shoots fish below Ghiaccio, forcing him to look down, thus revealing the hole. Mista fires at it, but we learn that Ghiaccio can freeze the air around him, ricocheting the bullet right back at Mista. Mista makes for land, but Ghiaccio beats him there, looking for the disc that he assumes is around there due to how Mista is acting. Ghiaccio finds the picture of the statue in the trash and breaks the statue, revealing the disc that Mista and Giorno were ordered to retrieve. Ghiaccio grabs the disc and goes for the injured Mista, but Giorno slams his arm on ice, causing blood to spurt from it, shouting at Mista to have resolve. We flash back to Mista's backstory, where he shot multiple men who were assaulting a woman in a car. During his trial, he was found guilty and was sentenced to fifteen to thirty years of jail time. Buccellati bails him out of jail and offers to get him a meal. There, they talk about Mista joining Passione. Buccellati orders four orders of bruschetta, but then changes it to five, unintentionally convincing Mista to trust Buccellati and join Passione. Coincidentally, Mista was also the fifth person to join Buccellati's team. Back in the present fight, Mista is resolved to win and sees the perfect ricochet angel to hit Ghiaccio's weak spot. Bouncing off a pole, the bullets go for the breathing hole. Ghiaccio reveals that the breathing hole is closed; he froze air and then melted it in his armor so he did not need the hole open. All those bullets Mista shot go flying back at him, severely injuring him. However, this was Mista's plan the whole time. The blood coming from the multiple bullet wounds splash on Ghiaccio's face shield, temporarily blinding him. Mista shoots at him again, staggering Ghiaccio towards the pole Mista shot at, which has been carved into a spear shape from the bullets ricocheting off of it. The spear stabs Ghiaccio, but it's only a shallow wound. Trying to wipe the blood from his face shield, Mista readies more shots to push Ghiaccio further into the spike. Mista fires, pushing Ghiaccio back but the bullet flies back at Mista and hits him due to White Album still freezing the air. Mista keeps shooting and shooting at Ghiaccio, pushing him further back into the spike but also getting hit by his own bullets. Blood gushes from Ghiaccio's wound, but he freezes that blood so he cannot be pushed back any further. The last bullet ricochets back at Mista and hits him in the head, but Giorno was there in the nick of time, quickly turning the bullet into flesh for Mista's head. Giorno delivers a flurry of kicks at Ghiaccio, finishing him off. Ghiaccio dropped the disc as well, which Giorno retrieves. Giorno tells Mista that he can turn the bullets in his body into body parts to help plug arteries and whatnot, but there will still be pain. Narancia with Coco Jumbo is in a small boat in the canal, looking for Mista and Giorno, but unfortunately at Narancia's angle, Giorno healing Mista looks like he is doing something else below the belt. This comical ending concludes episode 19.

The remainder of this blog post will be dedicated to gushing about how well part 5 has adapted the manga and made a work of art out of it. I will leave some screenshots toward the end of the blog post to help further this point, but Golden Wind looks phenomenal. This episode really shows that climactic scenes in the show, like in this episode, are animated and choreographed beautifully. All of the characters, both protagonist and antagonist alike, create such creative and ingenious scenes that while out of context might not make sense but within the episode feels perfect. The battle of wits between Mista and Ghiaccio this episode was shown beautifully. The soundtrack is also extremely hype, setting the tone superbly when Giorno MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA'd Ghiaccio to death. Not to mention the fact that the voice acting has been on point with every character we have seen. Overall, part 5 of JoJo's is doing a fantastic job and I expect more brilliance to come as we go further into this season.


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