JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 24 Discussion

The team leave Venice via a boat and head to an airport, where they believe they will be safer in the air. They will take an airplane to Sardinia, where they can find more info on the backstory of the mysterious boss of Passione. Moody Blues is used to start the plane and eventually fly it as well. Narancia notices someone coming to the plane they are boarding due to his Aerosmith's detection. Mista warns him to step back, but he keeps moving forward and reveals his stand, so Mista shoots him dead. Giorno checks to be sure that he is truly dead, which he is, and wonders why that fight was so easy. They get into the air after Giorno confirms that there are no other living creatures on the plane besides them. Trish reveals that she remembers her mom talking about Cala di Volpe - The fox's tail - when she talked about her dad, which is a resort in Sardinia. Giorno hears noises coming from a freezer on the plane and asks Mista to be ready to shoot. They open it and find fingers in the freezer, which will turn out to be the fingers of the man Mista shot dead. Not taking any chances, Buccellati opens a zipper in the plane to release the freezer out of the plane. Giorno sits back down and notices a bunch of writing on the walls of the plane. The writing starts to get weird however, when it starts talking about going to Sardinia and mentioning Giorno's name specifically. Giorno then realizes there is a hand growing on his arm and that was writing the stuff on the wall. This is the stand of the man who was shot dead at the airport, Notorious B.I.G. The stand starts to consume Giorno's stand as well. Mista shoots Giorno's arm off to save the rest of his body, but the stand got some of Mista's Sex Pistols and started to "eat" them, gravely injuring Mista. Narancia decided to shoot it with Aerosmith and it eats all the bullets that was shot at it and then chased down Aerosmith and attacks, badly injuring Narancia. Trish runs to the closet and Notorious B.I.G changes targets to her. Giorno punches quickly in the air, changing the target to his only remaining arm. He reveals to everyone that this stand tracks and attacks whatever or whomever is moving the fastest and will match that speed. Giorno punches a hole in the window of the plane and tears his arm off with the enemy stand on it as well, getting it out of the plane. However, as Trish and Buccellati discuss, Giorno can only heal with Golden Experience when he punches or touches something, so he cannot heal the badly injured Mista nor Narancia either. Trish feels awful that they are going through all of this to find the identity of her father and while thinking about that, she noticed a ball on the wing of the plane. Notorious B.I.G slams on the broken window (covered by a food tray) and gets in, still alive and well. The enemy stand goes towards a broach Giorno dropped, which Trish notices is slowly beating like a heart and turning into Girono's left hand. If Trish can protect this broach, Buccellati can reattach this body part to Giorno and Girono can heal himself, Mista and Narancia. All she has to do is protect this broach from Notorious B.I.G and keep it from killing her as well. We end the episode on this note.

Notorious B.I.G is a stand the likes of which the JoJo universe has never seen before. Sure, we have seen stands with no apparent stand user such as Cheap Trick act on it's own and have it's own free will, which was groundbreaking as well, but there has always been a rule in JoJo's: kill the stand user and the stand will be defeated as well. Now, the reverse is not always true. Automatic stands, such as Black Sabbath and Judgement, can be defeated and their stand users be just fine. We have also kind of seen a stand that posthumously can still act as a stand, which was Anubis from part 3. However, Notorious B.I.G, which the anime changes to Notorious Chase, is on a whole different level. This is a posthumous stand that can only activate if the stand user dies. On top of that, it is a deadly automated stand that will literally stop at nothing while trying to eat the fastest moving things around it. All of these things combined makes Notorious B.I.G an extremely hard stand to defeat.


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