JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 20 Discussion

The protagonists head towards their final mission: deliver Trish to the mafia boss of Passione. Cruising there on a small boat, Buccellati reads to the rest of the team the information on the disc they retrieved. It stated one bodyguard should escort Trish to the top of a church and none of the other members of the team steps foot on the island. If someone deviates from these orders, the boss will take it as an act of aggression. The mysterious boss is being very careful about this. They arrive at the island and Buccellati decides that he will escort Trish to the top of the church. Giorno wanted to, but Abbacchio got suspicious. Buccellati asked Giorno for one of the ladybugs off of his shirt for "good luck" but in actuality Giorno turned the ladybug into a tracking device so Buccellati can put it on the boss. Buccellati and Trish head inside the church. Trish has some doubts due to the fact that she is being dropped off with a father she doesn't know anything about. Buccellati reassures her and they go into the elevator to head to the top of the church. Trish grabs his hand and suddenly, as they reach the top of the church, Trish is gone and and her severed hand is left in Buccellati's. Buccellati deduces that the boss only wanted them to bring Trish to him was so he could dispose of her. We get a glimpse into Buccellati's childhood, learning that Buccellati was born to a fisherman father and a loving mother, but they divorced for unknown reasons. When asked who he wanted to live with, Buccellati picks his father, knowing his father needed the emotional support. His mom leaves and gets married later. Buccellati's father, while taking tourists to a fishing spot, was shot multiple times by gangsters when he witnessed a drug trade occurring. He was rushed to the hospital and lives, but the gangsters come back to finish the job. Buccellati was ready for them and killed both of them with a knife. He joins Passione so they can protect his father. However, his dad dies five years later. To this day, Buccellati disdains the drug trade within Passione. Back to the present, Buccellati decides to go after the boss in an attempt to rescue Trish. He opens a zipper at the bottom of the elevator and sees the boss hauling Trish away, so Buccellati sticks the tracker ladybug Giorno gave him to his coat. He then goes after the boss, seeing a hole that leads to the basement of the church. The boss must have taken Trish down there, so Buccellati pursuits him. He sees the boss, but he knows Buccellati is hiding and waiting for him. The boss tells him that if he comes out of hiding to attack him, he will die. Buccellati attacks, hitting a pillar so he can go to Trish and reattach her hand. The boss asks why Buccellati has betrayed him, wondering why he wants to help Trish. Buccellati unzips part of his face to reveal there was a phone in there and Giorno has been listening the whole time. Giorno tells Buccellati where the boss is hiding, but also states that something is weird. Before Giorno can finish his sentence, Buccellati attacks, landing a barrage of blows. However, we learn that Buccellati actually attacked himself in the future. This is due to the boss's stand King Crimson (changed to Emperor Crimson here). King Crimson revels that this is his power and then punches Buccellati clean through his stomach, leaving the episode there.

This is the first episode where we get an actual glimpse of the boss that has been issuing all of the orders to Buccellati and the gang. This man tricked the entire team into bringing his daughter to him so he could finish her off himself. Secrecy is of the upmost importance to the boss of Passione. Not only does he run a powerful mafia, this man has an extremely powerful stand the likes of which we have never seen before. Not much detail is shown as to exactly how King Crimson works right now, but the boss gives us a rough idea of how it functions. King Crimson was able to trick Buccellati into thinking he was about to attack the boss, but it was actually himself in the future. The Buccellati in the present attacked the Buccellati a few seconds into the future. This seems complicated and yes, that is why in the JoJo's community King Crimson's ability is somewhat of a meme now. The meme is that no one understands it; it just works. More light will be shed on this intricate and powerful stand as the series progresses, but even with the limited information we have now on it, it is extremely easy to see that this stand is on an entirely different power level compared to a stand like Sticky Fingers. Buccellati is an experienced, intelligent and strong fighter, but was easily dispatched by the boss of Passione. Until the next JoJo Friday, we can only speculate as to how the protagonists will deal with this new and deadly foe.


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