JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 18 Discussion

Ghiaccio is driving to meet up with Melone as Giorno is facing off versus Babyface. Babyface has grown in size and has landed a blow on Giorno, but Giorno has turned the bike Babyface rode in on into his hand and inserted it into Babyface, thusly defeating Giorno's enemy. However, due to the fact that Babyface is actually the laptop Melone uses and not the stand power attacking Giorno, Melone takes no damage from the defeat of Babyface's creation. Ghiaccio goes to where Buccellati's team was, but they are nowhere to be found. Melone decides to create another stand power to track them down, but is assaulted by a snake. This snake bites the tongue of Melone. The snake turns out to be a part of Babyface's creation and tracked down Melone, killing him. Back in Coco Jumbo, Buccellati receives another order from the boss of Passione. It states that Abbacchio should use Moody Blues to replay a scene that occurred within the turtle. Moody Blues turns into Pericolo, the man that handed off Trish to the team. Pericolo tells the team that this is their final order. Pericolo states that in order to get Trish to the boss, they must retrieve a disc hidden within a statue in Venice. That disc will tell them how to hand Trish over to the boss. Pericolo then reveals that he has been found out and kills himself. Giorno and Mista head to Venice to retrieve this disc. The vehicle Giorno is driving slides and Mista hits the side of the car, realizing that his pinky came off his finger and is now frozen to the window. Giorno opens the windows to help with defrosting the windows, but a heavy and frosty wind rolls into the car. We see that this is the work of Ghiaccio's stand White Album (or White Ice). Mista's face is stuck to the window due to how cold it is. Mista shoots at the enemy stand user on top of the car roof, but the bullets stop midway in the ice that surrounds Ghiaccio. Giorno also cannot stop the car due to the brake pedal being frozen. Mista and Giorno are being frozen solid by Ghiaccio's stand power. Not only that, but Giorno cannot use Golden Experience; organisms cannot live in the temperature around them. Mista fires more bullets at Ghiaccio, which heats up the bullets so Giorno can turn the bullets into plant roots, flinging Ghiaccio off the roof of the car. Ghiaccio pulls out his stand, which personifies itself as a white suit surrounding him, and starts skating towards the vehicle Mista and Giorno are in. Mista shoots at Ghiaccio and uses Sex Pistols to shove the bullets within the skates on Ghiaccio's feet, rendering them useless and having Ghiaccio slam into the pavement. Ghiaccio freezes the moisture coming from the cars exhaust and grabs onto it. Ghiaccio enters the car and starts to freeze Mista's arm, so Giorno delivers a volley of punches at Ghiaccio, but the arms of Golden Experience freeze solid. Giorno decides that they are close enough to Venice, so he plunges the car into the water.

Ghiaccio's stand White Album is the first stand we see in the JoJo series that manifests itself as a suit for the stand user to wear. We have seen stands manifest as non-humanoid beings before, such as ZZ's Wheel of Fortune, Toyohiro Kanedaichi's Super Fly and Tamami Kobayashi's The Lock, but this is the first stand that creates a suit around the user. This stand acts as armor that is barely penetrated by Mista's bullets and only cracks under a barrage of blows from Golden Experience. Not only does it act as incredible armor, this stand freezes things around it and can freeze objects just by touching them. This formidable stand even skates on the ice that it creates, so the stand user can move at faster speeds than a speeding car. As we have seen from part 5, stands and their powers have been very unique. Melone's Babyface was a stand the likes of which we have never seen before, as is White Album. There will be more interesting and unique stands as we progress further into part 5, so this is just the beginning.


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