JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 16 Discussion

Prosciutto and Buccellati are being flung out of the speeding train they were on due to Buccellati creating a hole in the train and forcing both of them outside the train, but Pesci uses his Beach Boy to snag Prosciutto's hand to keep him from falling to his death. Buccellati has grabbed onto Prosciutto's legs so he does not fall as well. Buccellati uses Sticky Fingers to attack the fishing line attached to Prosciutto's hand, creating a zipper on Prosciutto's hand and forcing the fishing hook out of his body and reattaches it to Buccellati's own hand. Pesci notices the aging process has stopped on the passengers of the train, so he now knows that he does not have Prosciutto on his Beach Boy's hook anymore. Suddenly, the aging commences again and Buccellati notices that Prosciutto is still alive hanging on to life by laying on a railing on the bottom of the train. Pesci, with newfound resolve and inspiration due to Prosciutto still living and still using his stand's ability to age everyone on the train even while injured. Buccellati tries to take out the hook with Sticky Fingers, but Pesci keeps reattaching the hook to him. Buccellati avoids power lines that Pesci was trying to fling him into by creating a hole into the train to escape into. The hook from Beach Boy is traveling deeper and deeper into Buccellati's body, so Buccellati decides the only way to escape this predicament is to use Sticky Fingers to create zippers all around his body, dislocating all his body parts, having his internal organs cease working so Beach Boy cannot sense where he is. Pesci panics and thinks Buccellati left to go finish off Prosciutto, so he retracts Beach Boy and stops the train, which pushes the detached pieces of Buccellati's body back together. Pesci leaves to the train to check on Prosciutto and Buccellati meets him out there. Prosciutto is on the verge of death and gives Pesci his final words, giving Pesci the resolve to attack Buccellati. Pesci hooks Buccellati right in his heart and Buccellati uses the line attached to the hook of Beach Boy to wrap it around Pesci's head and snaps his neck. Before Pesci dies, he reveals that he had Trish and the turtle. He states that he will allow Trish to live, but he will kill the rest of his crew within the turtle in order to spite Buccellati. Pesci aims to smash the turtle on a rock, but Buccellati detaches one of his arms with Sticky Fingers and punches Pesci, halting the smashing of his crew and then delivers a satisfying barrage of ARIARIARIs and finishes it with an arrivederci, thus finishing off Pesci. The aging process halts due to the death of Prosciutto. Trish reveals to Buccellati that she can see these stand battles and she even left a seared footprint-like indent on the ground, which leads Buccellati to to assume that Trish might have a stand.

Trish and Buccellati start to suspect that she has latent stand abilities once Trish realizes she can see these fierce stand battles and after leaving an unexplained seared mark on the ground beneath her. There have been questions from characters such as Buccellati and Giorno as to whether Trish has a stand power or not and while it is still not confirmed if she does, the events that took place in this episode heavily lean towards her having a stand. Now, being able to see stands and stand abilities has only been exhibited by other stand users. Hayato from part 4 knew things were happening during the clash between Josuke and Yoshikage Kira, but he could never actually see the stands themselves. Hayato could see the bubbles that Stray Cat created and the explosions created by Killer Queen, but these abilities affected the real world and therefore could be seen by a non-stand user such as Hayato. The explosions made by Killer Queen blew up everything, stand and non-stand alike, so it makes sense that this can be seen by ordinary people. The bubbles made by Stray Cat are a little harder to explain due to the fact that Stray Cat is such a unique stand/stand user, but we ultimately arrive to the conclusion that only stand users - or at least people with latent stand abilities - can see stands. Trish admits to Buccellati after he defeats Pesci that she is seeing these stands, which is proof enough that she at least has latent abilities that are stand-like in nature. The fact that there is an unexplained mark on the Earth beneath is just further proof that the woman Buccellati's team has been told to protect probably has a stand of her own and it is currently laying dormant.


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