JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 8 Discussion

Episode 8 kicks off with some back story to the main Buccellati member of this episode: Mista. We learn that Mista was laid back and lived a happy life. He would pick fights with people when he saw fit. One day, he saw a man assaulting a woman in a car and chose to intervene. More men pour out of the car and shot bullets at him, with none of these bullets hitting him. He picks up a gun and shoots all of them dead. This was the first time Mista has ever killed someone. Flashing forward to present day, we see Sale (the stand user Mista is up against) survived a bullet to the head that Mista shot at him previously. While on top of the moving truck, Sale reveals his stand Kraft Work (or Arts and Crafts). Mista pulls back to reload, but his hand is stuck to the truck. The driver reveals his hands are stuck to the steering wheel and his feet are stuck on the gas pedal as well. Mista notices the bullets Kraft Work deflected are now floating around Sale. Mista has the realization that his stand ability is to fix things in place, which is why the bullet to his head did not kill him. Mista reloads his gun and fires two bullets at the same time and with the help of his stand Sex Pistols, hits Sale in the neck with a bullets and flings him off the truck. Realizing that he has four bullets left, Mista is distraught with the fact that four is always bad luck for him. Mista tells the truck driver to keep driving and to go back to the marina, where Giorno is still located. Mista then sees Sale standing atop fixed rocks floating in the air. Sale flings more rocks toward the truck and they become fixed in the air as well, giving Sale a clear path to step on the rocks and head toward the road where the truck is headed. Mista orders the truck to stop, but changes his mind and tells him to go full speed ahead toward Sale, who is tapping a suspended bullet in the air, building up enough energy in the bullet to shoot it at Mista. Sale propels the bullet at Mista while Mista shoots three bullets at Sale, which Sale dodges. Mista is hit by the bullet and Sale jumps atop the truck, tapping another bullet to shoot at the now wounded Mista. With one bullet left, three of the Sex Pistols give it their all with this last shot. Mista shoots at Sale, aiming for his mouth. Mista believes that Sale cannot stop the bullet with his stand if it is inside his body. Sale realizes this and opens his mouth, giving the bullet a clear shot. Sale falls to the ground but is still alive due to his stand; Mista's theory was wrong. Sale releases the suspended bullet, but before doing so he realizes Sex Pistols actually climbed on top of that bullet. Sex Pistols kicks the bullet back at Sale, who tries to defend with Kraft Work. The bullets splits in half and hits Sale directly where the previous bullet hit in his head, propelling it forward inside his head and into his skull. This incapacitates Sale, almost killing him. Mista tells the truck driver to go back to the marina. Once they reach there and Mista drags Sale out of the truck, Giorno hops in, telling the flabbergasted truck driver to head up the mountain where Mista was headed. With these event coming to a close, episode eight ends.

After watching this episode, we see exactly how Mista and Sex Pistols operates. Mista is a simple yet intelligent man. While his theory about Sale being unable to stop things inside his body was incorrect, it was still a creative solution to defeat this strong enemy stand user. The second idea he had, which was the successful one, was also very creative and ended up defeating a stand that somewhat counters a stand like Sex Pistols. Mista's determination to defeat Sale is emphasized in this episode, giving us more of an inside look on how Mista thinks and operates while alone. We also get a glimpse into the personality of Sex Pistols. This is one of the few stands in Jojo's we see talk frequently and have individual personalities for all six of them. They are all competitive, some bully others and some chose to lead the others in times of crisis. This take on a relatively simple stand is interesting and gives plenty of flavor to a stand that, without the personality and the versatility of Sex Pistols, would be just a rip off of Hol Horse's Emperor. Giving a stand verbal lines and personality isn't new to JoJo fans (we see it with Red Hot Chili Peppers in part four), but this idea of all six of them having different personalities all while sharing character traits is a cool addition to this stand. Overall I am a big fan of Mista and Sex Pistols and while I was a fan of them before due to reading the manga, being able to see in animated form all of the things Mista and Sex Pistols are capable of is really refreshing and makes me like Mista even more.

This episode showcases that JoJo, as an anime, does an amazing job at showing the audience just how strong the individual members of Buccellati's team can be. It also shows us their individuality. We first saw the cold-hearted, detached yet motivated nature of Abbacchio and then we get the creative, quick-thinking nature of Mista. We have two more members of the Buccellati gang to showcase (Narancia and Fugo) before we see all of this team in action, so buckle up and prepare for another great JoJo Friday!


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