
Showing posts from November, 2018

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 8 Discussion

Episode 8 kicks off with some back story to the main Buccellati member of this episode: Mista. We learn that Mista was laid back and lived a happy life. He would pick fights with people when he saw fit. One day, he saw a man assaulting a woman in a car and chose to intervene. More men pour out of the car and shot bullets at him, with none of these bullets hitting him. He picks up a gun and shoots all of them dead. This was the first time Mista has ever killed someone. Flashing forward to present day, we see Sale (the stand user Mista is up against) survived a bullet to the head that Mista shot at him previously. While on top of the moving truck, Sale reveals his stand Kraft Work (or Arts and Crafts). Mista pulls back to reload, but his hand is stuck to the truck. The driver reveals his hands are stuck to the steering wheel and his feet are stuck on the gas pedal as well. Mista notices the bullets Kraft Work deflected are now floating around Sale. Mista has the realization that his stan

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 7 Discussion

We start episode 7 of Golden Wind with the members of Buccellati's gang kicking the shit out of Zuccjero's body for all the trouble he put the gang through. Mista chooses to interrogate his severed head (still alive and functioning due to Sticky Finger's ability) as they head towards Capri, the location of Polpo's hidden treasure. Mista fastens eye glasses to Zucchero's face while keeping one of his eyes open with a fishing hook, so the sun shines into the eye glasses and is intensified onto one eye of Zucchero. Narancia proceeds to dance like never before to some funky music, prompting Fugo and Mista to join in on this torture dance. Abbacchio cuts off the gang before they can torture the severed head more, showing them that Zucchero notified someone via radio on the island of Capri, likely his partner, that they are headed to Capri on a boat. Moody Blues plays back that message and the gang decided to ambush that mysterious partner on Capri before he realizes that

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 6 Discussion

We kick off our bizarre adventure this week with Abbacchio's backstory. He was once a police officer who wanted to spread justice. That is, until he found out that gang members and other criminals he was locking up just get released again by posting bail. He saw corrupt people all around him and so he becomes corrupt. This ends up getting his partner killed. Abbacchio took a bribe to look the other way from a criminal and that very criminal shot and killed his partner. After this tragedy, Abbacchio vows to never have his heart moved again. Jumping back to present time, Abbacchio is determined to solve what this enemy stand does and where the other gang members are being held. Attempting to follow where the fly goes that Giorno made from Narancia's shoe, Buccellati uses Sticky Fingers to open holes in the boat, looking in pipes and below the deck to see if the enemy stand user is hiding there. Hopping below quarters, Abbacchio uses Moody Blues to try to determine what exactly ha

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 5 Discussion

We begin episode 5 with Buccellati talking to Giorno about the hierarchy of Passione. The boss is the head honcho and everyone answers to him, even though no one knows anything about him. Next are the Capos, who answer to the boss and give orders to the rest of the gang members. Buccellati tells Giorno that in order to take down the boss, they must have a team and get close to him so they can learn everything they can about him. We cut to two Passione gang members talking about how Polpo committed suicide, so his hidden treasure is up for the taking. After this short encounter with potentially villainous gang members, we meet the rest of the gang. Fugo is teaching Narancia math (and Narancia is failing), Mista is freaking out about there being four pieces of cake and Abbacchio is listening to music. Giorno meets them and Abbacchio urinates in the tea kettle and urges Giorno to drink it. He does so, but he turned one of his teeth into a jellyfish that sucks up the liquid he just drank.