JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 8 Discussion

Episode 8 kicks off with some back story to the main Buccellati member of this episode: Mista. We learn that Mista was laid back and lived a happy life. He would pick fights with people when he saw fit. One day, he saw a man assaulting a woman in a car and chose to intervene. More men pour out of the car and shot bullets at him, with none of these bullets hitting him. He picks up a gun and shoots all of them dead. This was the first time Mista has ever killed someone. Flashing forward to present day, we see Sale (the stand user Mista is up against) survived a bullet to the head that Mista shot at him previously. While on top of the moving truck, Sale reveals his stand Kraft Work (or Arts and Crafts). Mista pulls back to reload, but his hand is stuck to the truck. The driver reveals his hands are stuck to the steering wheel and his feet are stuck on the gas pedal as well. Mista notices the bullets Kraft Work deflected are now floating around Sale. Mista has the realization that his stan...