
Showing posts from April, 2019

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 27 Discussion

Araki has been a fan of gore in order to emphasize just how villainous a bad guy is or how bloody and painful an injury is. He uses this method of thinking perfectly in this episode. Nero, the stand user with Metallica, has a terrifying ability that can easily win fights, hence the reason he is the leader of the Hitman Squad, also called La Squadra. He is a skilled assassin and he reminds us of this at every part of this fight. In fact, he even figures out the boss's identity even before our main protagonist. This fight also was not just a fight to give the bad guy a power up or anything like that. Nero gave the boss a run for his money and the boss almost lost to Nero's dangerous stand ability. Luck was on the boss's side however and Nero dies to Narancia's Aerosmith. The end to this fight felt extremely clever and well thought out from Araki. Maybe he made Narancia's stand work like that just to defeat Nero like this? Or perhaps Araki is just really good at thin

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 26 Discussion

We kick off this new episode with a woman giving birth in an all female prison, which baffles the guards. They ask the pregnant woman who the father is and she responds that he has been dead for two years. Going forward a few years, we learn that the boy was adopted by a priest. The priest starts digging into his own room with a pick axe so he could make room for a garage to house a car for the boy he adopted and he finds a woman under the floorboards. Her mouth is sewn shut and it turns out that she is the mother to the boy the priest adopted. The boy catches the priest in the act and kills him, followed by burning that town they live in to the ground. Returning to the present, that same boy, who is now an adolescent, tries to save a kid from getting hit by a truck and instead, he falls in a puddle and his briefcase is destroyed. A fortune teller talks to the teenager who we learn later is named Doppio. The fortune teller states that Doppio is from Sardinia, he has a dark secret and t

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 25 Discussion

Trish understands that if she moves towards Giorno's brooch on the ground, Notorious B.I.G will attack her. She contemplates running to the closet and hiding, but Trish notices the fact that the chairs on the plane all have a button to automatically recline them. She click it and Notorious B.I.G attacks the chair. Trish realizes that she must move slower than the speed at which the reclining chair is moving, else the enemy stand will strike. She slowly makes her way towards the brooch while reclining more chairs along the way. Suddenly, Notorious B.I.G attacks her boot. There is dripping liquid falling from her boot from a broken bottle, which is what attracted Notorious B.I.G's attention. Trish's boot slips right off of her foot, almost like her boot split in two to allow her foot out. Trish hears a voice, which turns out to be her new stand Spice Girl (subbed to Spicy Lady). Spice Girl tells Trish that she was the one that slipped her boot off; she also instructs Trish to

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 24 Discussion

The team leave Venice via a boat and head to an airport, where they believe they will be safer in the air. They will take an airplane to Sardinia, where they can find more info on the backstory of the mysterious boss of Passione. Moody Blues is used to start the plane and eventually fly it as well. Narancia notices someone coming to the plane they are boarding due to his Aerosmith's detection. Mista warns him to step back, but he keeps moving forward and reveals his stand, so Mista shoots him dead. Giorno checks to be sure that he is truly dead, which he is, and wonders why that fight was so easy. They get into the air after Giorno confirms that there are no other living creatures on the plane besides them. Trish reveals that she remembers her mom talking about Cala di Volpe - The fox's tail - when she talked about her dad, which is a resort in Sardinia. Giorno hears noises coming from a freezer on the plane and asks Mista to be ready to shoot. They open it and find fingers in