JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 11 Discussion

We pick up where we left off from the previous episode where Formaggio survived the Aerosmith attack by returning to his original size. Narancia has also become so small, his stand does little damage to larger threats. Narancia chooses to hide in a bottle until he can think of a way to beat Formaggio, but Formaggio corners him and traps him under his foot. Formaggio decides to torture Narancia until he tells him where Trish is. We briefly flash back to Narancia's past, where we learn that his mother died when Narancia was at a young age and his dad was cold-hearted and distant. Narancia joined a group of kids where he idolized the leader, which he called "Bro". He even dyed his hair the same color as Bro's (which is blonde) when Bro told him that he would look good with blonde hair. The next day, Narancia was arrested for breaking into an elderly woman's house. He was not the perpetrator, but the crime was pinned on him. Bro actually did the crime and set up the whole thing so Narancia would take the fall. After Narancia was released from prison, he went to meet back up with his gang, but they ostracized him, even his idol Bro. He also got an eye infection while in prison. His mother had died from an eye infection, so this worried Narancia. Fugo saw Narancia scavenging through trash, looking for food. He brought him to a restaurant that Buccellati was eating at and gave him food. They also gave him medical care for his eye. Narancia went back to school as per the request of Buccellati and six months later, he joined Passione. We return to the present and Formaggio tells Narancia that odds are, Trish has a stand ability. The Hitman Team wants to get their hands on Trish so they can find the boss's identity and take over the drug routes, making them billions. Formaggio puts Narancia and a spider in a bottle to fight, hoping this would be enough to break Narancia and tell him where Trish is located. The spider wraps Narancia in a web and injects the paralyzing venom within his body. Narancia dropped his map of the town while fending off the spider and Formaggio finds it, learning of where Trish is being held. Narancia reveals that Aerosmith shot the gas tank of a car, which is now leaking gasoline. The car was smoking from the damage and bursts into flames behind Formaggio. Formaggio catches fire and Narancia returns to normal size. Formaggio slices his wrist so the blood will put out the flames while he shrinks himself. Narancia's Aerosmith cannot find the now tiny Formaggio due to all the carbon dioxide in the air from the fire. Narancia decides to set ablaze all the cars on the street so hopefully the flames with engulf Formaggio. Formaggio returns to normal size and the two attack each other with their stands at the same time. Aerosmith riddles Formaggio's body with bullets, defeating the enemy stand user. Narancia returns to where the rest of the team is located, being scolded by Fugo for how reckless he was. Giorno advises the team that they should leave and relocate. Mista tells the team that the boss has contacted the new Capo, Buccellati. The boss has ordered them to head to Pompeii to retrieve a key hidden within a mosaic. That key will be used to drive a vehicle to bring his daughter to him. Buccellati tells Fugo, Giorno and Abbacchio to head there immediately to retrieve the key while the rest stay behind and guard Trish. The episode ends here.

Narancia has proven in these last few episodes that he can act quickly and with purpose whilst under pressure, even during a fight against an enemy stand user. While he did destroy an entire street and engulfed the cars in flames, he chose to do so in order to vanquish a fearsome enemy. This decision, while reckless, was creative and smart, using the enemy stand's abilities against it. We also learned that Fugo is very close to Narancia and has been since he met him on the street. Fugo was the one that decided to take Narancia to Buccellati, probably saving Narancia's life and adding another loyal and strong ally to Buccellati's team. Buccellati could have simply turned this stray away when Fugo brought Narancia to him, but Buccellati has proven that he has a big heart when he decided to take Narancia in and urged him to go back to school. He even sought medical care for Narancia's infected eye. These actions solidifies Narancia's fierce loyalty to the team.

The boss has given the team orders to bring his daughter Trish to him and has provided transportation via a vehicle in Pompeii. The boss obviously knows that Trish can be in danger now that people from the Hitman Team knows that she exists, she is even more danger than ever before. Some members of the Hitman Team have already tried to uncover the boss's mysterious identity before and now that his daughter is known to them, they will try their hardest to locate and retrieve his daughter from Buccellati's team, making them a very dangerous enemy. The boss knows all of this and has taken measures in order to get his daughter back so she can be under his watch and so the Hitman Team does not get to her first. Little is known about the boss or is motives, but it is a fact that he wants his daughter back no matter the costs. His identity is at stake and he will stop at nothing in order to be sure that Buccellati's team can bring his daughter to him and the Hitman Team does not reach her before Buccellati's gang successfully brings Trish to their boss. There is still a large amount of part 5 on the way and an equally large amount of twists and turns coming, so stay tuned!


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