Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Manga Discussion 1

A quick note about this blog post: this post will be talking about the part 5 Jojo's manga, so if you are either reading part 5 and not quite finished or if you are an anime watcher only, please do not read this if you do not want to be spoiled. This post contains a LARGE amount of spoilers for the part 5 manga. You have been warned.

White Album
Now onto the actual discussion. This mini-series of blog posts will be random thoughts and discussion points about Golden Wind's manga. To start things off, I was always interested in how Araki chose to really branch out with his stand ideas with this part. Sure, we had unique stands before, such as autonomous stands, a stand that was a tower, stands that shape shift and stands that stop/reverse time. All of these are very interesting stands, but part 5 blew it out of the water when it comes to unique stands. There are two stands that are basically suits for the users (Oasis and White Album), other autonomous stands (Green Day), a stand that's just a fishing pole (Beach Boy), and a stand that can only be activated if the stand user dies (Notorious B.I.G). These stand ideas are extremely creative and has to make you wonder what other cool ideas Araki has in store for stands. There are also plenty of stands that are seemingly ordinary but have extraordinary abilities, such as Gold Experience, King Crimson, Moody Blues and Little Feet.

One of the most interesting and weird stands in part 5 has to be Baby Face. Baby Face, at first, is hard to wrap your head around. Baby Face is a stand that takes the shape of a computer. This computer can create another stand, which looks like a pretty average humanoid stand with spikes on it's head, and is also sentient. This stand that Baby Face creates is very intelligent, but constantly seeks out more knowledge due to it's curiosity and overall little knowledge of the world. This stand and its user, Melone, finds a woman that is seemingly healthy and could make a healthy child. This stand then impregnates that woman and the new, humanoid stand appears in about three minutes. The secondary stand that Baby Face creates is long ranged and can be seen even by non-stand users due to it technically being half human. If this secondary stand dies, it won't harm Melone in the slightest. This secondary stand can also disassemble other matter into cubes and feed on these cubes, making this stand very deadly. One of the down sides to this stand is that the secondary stand is sentient, meaning that it won't always listen to Melone. The other weakness is that since it is half human, things that wouldn't affect other stands might harm this stand, such as falling debris. All of these things combined makes Baby Face such a unique stand that a series such as Jojo's (full of bizarre and interesting stands and abilities already) has never seen before.

Baby Face's secondary stand

Melone and Baby Face


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