JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 23 Discussion

Talking Head is still within Narancia's mouth and Clash has chomped down into Giorno's neck as we kick off this episode. Clash is pulling Giorno underwater with it and teleports to dodge the incoming attacks from Aerosmith. Squalo is attempting to finish off Giorno so Narancia's Aerosmith cannot track them, but Clash has to keep teleporting so it doesn't get shot by Narnacia's stand. Narancia attemps to shoot at Clash, but mises and hits Giorno. Clash escapes into the sewers to finish off Giorno, but Tiziano notices that Narancia said "They got away" and Talking Head's ability would not allow Narancia to say that if that was true, so he tells Squalo that Narancia knows where Clash took Giorno. The gas emitting from the bullet holes on Giorno allowed Narancia to track them. Aerosmith lands hits on Clash, wounding Squalo. Clash teleports to a pot boiling on a stove and Narancia shoots that pot, wounding Clash even further. However, that was part of Squal...