JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 29 Discussion

With this episode we meet two of the boss's most fearsome stand users: Cioccolata and Secco with the stands Green Day and Oasis respectively. With what we see in this episode, Cioccolata is a psychologicaly messed up individual with a bloody and serial killer-esque past. Secco is rather loyal to Cioccolata, sometimes even acting like a dog. This dynamic between these two draw some similarities between Pesci and Prosciutto. However, it seems that Cioccolata is much more sadistic than Prosciutto and Secco seems to have lower intelligence as opposed to Pesci. However, that does not make them any less dangerous. These two are the two that the boss hand picked to defeat Buccellati's team. We have already seen just how terrifying Cioccolata's stand power can be. He could easily kill the entirety of the protagonists unless they can think on their feet and figure out exactly what to do to defeat this particular stand. A secret individual also brought up to Buccellati's crew...