JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Final Episode Discussion 2

In the previous post, we discussed how fate plays a role in part 5. While not as prevalent in other parts, it is definitely there. In part 1, Jonathan was fated to fight Dio. In part 2, Caesar was fated to carry on the Zepelli tradition of helping the Jostar family defeat an evil that could corrupt the entire world. In part 3, Dio was fated to fight and be defeated by a Joestar. Not only that, but Avdol was fated to die as it was foreshadowed from his previous death. In part 4, Kira thought fate was on his side but was defeated by the person he feared the most: Jotaro and Josuke. That brings us to part 5. Diavolo thought destiny was fated to be his and obtain the incredible power of the stand arrows and evolve King Crimson to it's final form. However, Giorno was the one fated to achieve Requiem and defeat the boss of Passione. Fate also deemed Diavolo's defeat to be ironic and bends reality like his King Crimson did. Buccellati brought together the best team to defeat Diavo...